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Line Up: Reducing the Environmental Impact of Events

At Line Up, we have always been committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We firmly believe that the events industry has the power to make a positive impact on the planet. That's why we are proud to be one of the founding members of isla (Industry Sustainability through Leadership and Action), a ground-breaking initiative aimed at reducing the environmental impact of events across the globe. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of isla and how Line Up is leading the way in sustainable event management.

isla brings together a collective force of event agencies, suppliers, venues, and industry experts who are committed to implementing sustainable strategies. By joining forces, we can pool our knowledge, resources, and best practices to create a significant impact. Collaboration is key to tackling complex sustainability issues, and isla provides a platform for sharing experiences, learning from one another, and driving innovation in event management.

As part of isla’s campaign for making sustainable events possible, they introduced TRACE, a revolutionary tool that has transformed the way organisations track and report their sustainability efforts. Designed to provide transparency and accountability, TRACE allows businesses to monitor and measure their environmental impact with unparalleled precision. By collecting and analysing data on key sustainability indicators, such as material sourcing, energy consumption, and waste management, TRACE empowers organisations to make informed decisions and set ambitious targets for improvement. As early adopters of TRACE, we have been able to gain valuable insights into our environmental performance, identify areas for optimisation, and drive positive change within our organisation and beyond.

Line Up is dedicated to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our event planning and execution. We are committed to minimising our and our client’s carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout the event production process.

As part of our sustainability action plan, we incorporate the following practices:

Sustainable Procurement: We prioritise sourcing recycled and re-useable materials where possible, as well as using local materials and materials from renewable sources. We also work with suppliers who understand our commitment to sustainability from the outset.

Sustainable Venue Selection: We prioritise venues with strong sustainability credentials, renewable energy sources, and waste management systems.

Waste Management and Recycling: We implement comprehensive waste management plans, encouraging reuse of materials and minimising waste generation during events.

Education and Awareness: We actively educate our clients, event attendees, and staff about sustainable practices, inspiring them to make environmentally conscious choices.

With sustainability being one of the key objectives of any event, Line Up is proud to have made active efforts to put our initiatives into practice.

Working with isla’s Trace sustainability software, our sustainability managers are able to create an event strategy with measurable KPI’s and track all parts of a project. This sustainability strategy gives our clients tangible results that can act as a benchmark to be bettered on future events as the industry learns new initiatives to reduce the impact on our planet.

Last year, we worked with one of our clients to create a week-long event in the centre of London. At the start of production, we laid out a sustainability strategy that set 29 environmental targets that guided every decision from venues, to suppliers, to catering. Line Up helped our client to fully achieve 23 of these targets, with an additional five targets on the cusp of being achieved!

Our commitment to sustainability extended beyond our own team. Through active engagement and collaboration with our suppliers, we fostered a knowledge-sharing environment. This created a ripple effect, inspiring our suppliers to adopt sustainable practices in their operations, contributing to a greener supply chain overall.

We partnered with Plan Zheroes and City Harvest to donate surplus food from the event to local charities. This not only ensured that the food did not go to waste but also supported community organisations and those in need.

We took leftover graphic panels and repurposed them, upcycling them to become tote bags given out to attendee's post event as a memento of their participation.

To be sustainable does require financial investment to be able to pay for such in depth attention to detail allowing you to achieve the optimum sustainable event. However, our sustainability managers represent fantastic value, born out in this instance by the reduction of the client's final carbon offset value by 75%, a saving representing a multiple of four times their investment in a designated sustainability manager.

Line Up is proud to be at the forefront of sustainable event management. We provide expert guidance to incorporate sustainable initiatives that will deliver far reaching, positive effects on your business and brand. Through our collaboration with isla, we can transform the events landscape and create a more sustainable future.

Join us on this journey towards a greener, environmentally conscious events industry. Together, we can make a difference.

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